OBE 269G | Syllabus

Fall 2002                                                                                           Professor Jerry D. Estenson


College of Business Administration





OFFICE:                          Tahoe 2048
OFFICE PHONE              CSUS Office (916) 278-6781 (Phone)
                                        Voice mail (916) 557-5738

EMAIL:                             CSUS Email estenson@csus.edu

                                        Private Email jestenso@ns.net

WEBSITE:                        www.csus.edu/indiv/e/estenson

REQUIRED TEXT for all seminars participants:

Hughes, Richard L, Ginnett, Robert C. and Curphy, Gordon J. (2002). Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience 4th Ed. New York: Irwin- McGraw Hill.




Axelrod, Alan. (1999). Patton on Leadership: Strategic Lessons for Corporate Warfare. New York: Prentice Hall Press.


Bennis, Warren, Spreitzer, Gretchen M., Cummings Thomas G. (2001). The Future of Leadership: Today’s Top Leadership Thinkers Speak to Tomorrows Leaders. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.


DePree, Max. (1997). Leading Without Power: Finding Hope in Serving Community. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Gardner, Howard. (1995). Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership. New York: Basic Books.


Gallagher, Carol. (2000). Going to the Top: Based on Lessons Learned From 200 Women at the Top of America’s Fortune 1000 Companies. New York: Viking


Gardner, Howard. (1995). Leading Minds: Anatomy of Leadership. New York: Basic Books


Greenleaf, Robert K. (1977). Servant Leadership: A Journey Into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness. New York: Paulist Press


Heifetz, Ronald. (1994). Leadership Without Easy Answers. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.


Hughes, Richard L, Ginnett, Robert C. & Curphy, Gordon,(2001). Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill


Kaltman, Al (2000). The Genius of Robert E. Lee: Leadership Lessons for the Outgunned, Outnumbered, and Under Financed. New York: Prentice Hall Press.


Kennedy, Claudia J. (2001). Generally Speaking: A Memoir by the First Woman Promoted to Three-Star General in the United States Army. New York: Warner Books.


Strock, James M. (2001). Theodore Roosevelt on Leadership: Executive Lessons From the Bully Pulpit. Roseville, CA: Forum


Trompenaars, Frons & Hampden-Turner, Charles. (2002). 21 Leaders for the 21st Century: How Innovative Leaders Manage in the Digital Age. New York: McGraw Hill


Wills, Garry. (1992). Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America. New York: Touchstone.




In 1994 Jerry Porras, David Bradford, Debra Meyerson, and Jim Thompson from Stanford saw a growing demand for leaders in the United States and World. They also determined that leadership was being taught from the conceptual viewpoint not as a performing art.


To address the gap in leadership develop they created a bridge between three arenas in which learning about leadership could take place. The first arena is the traditional classroom with lectures, videos and discussions. The second is a workshop environment where experiential learning experiences are created, analyzed and practiced. The third is real life settings in which the individual performs tasks in an attempt to accomplish a goal.


This course attempts to replicate Porras’ pioneering work in leadership development. By following a similar design, you will struggle through the difficult task of learning about and practicing leadership behaviors. Attempting to learning and teaching in three arenas will be a challenge for both the instructor and the student. With that in mind we can expect difficulties and adjustments. The way we handle these adjustments will be part of our joint learning process..




During the semester you will be introduced to the concepts and practice of leadership through a collection of readings which we will translate into metaphors. The metaphors we create will reflect our unique perspective of leaders and their role in society. These perspectives provide different world-views complete with assumptions about the nature of human kind, the role of organizations, and what should or should not be done by a leader. Several of these views are in conflict with others. For instances viewing a leader as a Jazz musician is very different than a leader as military commander. The leader facilitator is very different from leader as NFL coach.


Metaphors will be given intellectual life through our readings, lectures, guest speakers, case studies, videos and discussion. They will be felt through experiential activities such as simulation, role playing, and behavioral exercises. In addition to class activities you will be expected to reflect on what you have learned, discuss your discoveries with others, record your insights, and move toward developing your leadership plan.



Goal One

Provide the opportunity to study different theories related to the art and practice of leadership.

Outcome: Discussion of theories in personal leadership journals.

Goal Two

Provide leadership experiences in class settings.

Outcome: Application of lessons learned in classroom and experiential exercise to work place behaviors (Modification of personal leadership model).

Goal Three

Increase competencies in the handling of different leadership situations.

Outcome:Modify behavior in work and classroom to reflect a Contextually appropriate leadership style (Comments in personal journal and development of a personal leadership model.)




Class Participation (15%)

You will be expected to come to class having read all pre-class assignments. You will be asked to present your views on the articles and any significant learning which resulted from the readings. You will be expected to share the development of your leadership map during group discussions. Higher grades will be given to students who consistently provide relevant and quality observations on readings and exercises, are willing to take on the role of leader or follower in class exercises, and are a willing participant in group discussions.


Evaluations of student participation will be equally based on: 1) instructor observation, 2) peer assessment, 3) self assessment.

Team Lead Critique of Current Leadership Book (20%)

The class will be divided into twelve study teams. The teams will be responsible for preparing a 45 minute seminar on an assigned text. The structure of the seminar can take any form the group decides but must cover as a minimum: background of the author’s, author’s macro view of leadership, author’s view of the role of leader in society, the audience the book is directed toward, the level of leadership they studied (functional, operational, strategic), significant leadership learning offered by the author’s , and the creation of a leadership model using information offered by the author.

Leadership Map (65%)

Your ability to develop a personal leadership map is the capstone of the course. The Map is a living document designed to reflect your current thinking and experiences. The Map will provide a framework for you to think about leadership and continually exam your personal development as a leader. Since the Map is a snap shot in time, it should evolve as you read about, discuss and experience different leadership roles. The Map should capture a collection of your: 1) personal values, 2) conceptual learning from the assigned reading, 3) personal reflection on your experiences, perspectives, competencies, weaknesses, and bias, 4) your conceptual model of leadership, 5) your personal development plan for how and why you will go about building knowledge, competency, and experience in areas you have targeted.


Your Map will be evaluated based on thoughtfulness and thoroughness in probing the questions presented; quality of your reflection on your leadership experiences, strengths, weaknesses, aspirations and concerns; and your ability to integrate these reflections with theories discussed in class and your developing understanding of leadership.




Leadership Map

The Map is tool you can use to plan, organize, and integrate you experiences and the conceptual knowledge you acquire during the course. You will work on the Map during the semester and turn it in several time during the semester for evaluation. Your Map should never be complete. As your life’s experience grow and your conceptual knowledge broadens, your view of the role of leader and your individual leadership style will change. A sample Map is provided as a guide. There is however, no single best model for a Map. If the format provided does not assist you in achieving the learning you desire modify it match your needs.


The Map will contain at least the following sections. Sections should be modified as you progress through the semester.


Personal Statement :

Your statement should answer the following questions: Why do you want to be a leader? What purpose will you serve as a leader? For what purpose will you make a sacrifice? Where will you find the internal strength to lead? Why will people choose to follow you? As you read and go through various exercises your answers to these questions will change. As these changes occur modify your statement.


Conceptual Integration:

This section allows you to relate the material you read to self development. In each article or assignment find at least two meaningful ideas. Relate these ideas to your personal experience. This could be a past behavior that did or did not serve you well. Determine if these ideas work in the framework you are developing for your individual leadership practices. Part of this section requires that you relate the concepts to other concepts you have read about. Do these ideas conflict with or support past thinking about leadership. When placing these ideas in the context in which you work or live, do they assist you in understanding leadership or confuse you.


Weekly Reflections:

This section is a free flowing dialogue relating what you have read and experienced during the past week. You can discuss how a class discussion, reading, exercise, feedback from peers at work or your boss, that contribute to your thinking about leadership.


Other Learning:

This is you utility section. Place any information that does not neatly fit into other sections. The information you collect here should add to your understanding of who you are and how you will lead.


Model of Leadership:

In this section you will develop your model for leadership. Your model should be clear and concise. The model can be a statement of other concepts relating to leadership, which you use to help order your world. The model should be specific to you and the circumstances in which you currently operate. This is your theory for today. Do not expect this model to serve you well as circumstances and personal development change.


Development Plan:

This is the action phase of the course project. You detail what actions you will take, when you will take them, and what you expect the results to be. Your actions will focus on areas you want to gain 1) knowledge, 2) experience, 3) competency. Think about other course you will want to take during your MBA program, what faculty you want to study with, what organizations you want to work for, the type of mentor you want to find.


Class Work Plan (Note the dates may change depending on the level of discussion of various topics. The instructor also retains the right to change due dates.




Leadership Discussion Questions

Learning Activities

February 2


Prior to seminar read Hughes Chapter 1 and 2

Framing the Subject of Leadership

Why study leadership?

How does the leader, follower, and the situation create dynamic leaders?
Frame seminar, discussion of leadership, break into work teams, receive assignments

February 9


Wear outdoor clothing

Journey Toward Self Knowledge

How do I work in a challenging learning environment?

How do I respond to change?

How do I learn in a group?

Attend low ropes course.

Develop group values and create group’s best practice team learning model

February 16


Read Hughes Chapters 3and 4

Gardner Group Read “Leading Minds”
Defining Leadership

Start our search to define leadership

How do we study leadership?

How do we measure the effects of leadership?

Discussion of Hughes Chapters.

Gardner Group presents: “Leading Minds”

February 23


Read Hughes Chapter 5

Alexrod group read “Patton on Leadership”, Strock Group read “Theodore Roosevelt on Leadership”,

Power and Influence What is the effect of power and influence on the leadership process?

Discussion of Hughes Chapter.

Alexrod group presents: “Patton on Leadership”, Strock Group presents: “Theodore Roosevelt on Leadership”,

March 2

Read Hughes Chapters 7and 8

Gallagher group read “Going to the top” Kennedy group read Generally speaking”

Traits and Behaviors of Leaders?

Can leadership be taught?

Do men and women lead differently?

Can effective leader styles travel across cultures?
Gallagher group presents “Going to the top”, Kennedy group presents “Generally Speaking

March 9

Read Hughes Chapter 9

Creating Environments

Can a leader motivate?

Can an effective leader change performance?

Discuss motivational theories and their applicability to current work place.


March 16


Wear outdoor clothing

Continued Journey Toward Self Knowledge

How do I respond to fluid leadership environments?

How do I respond to the follower role?

How do I support team members in high stress environments?
Attend mid level ropes course. Experience the dynamics of followship and leadership in challenging environments

March 23


Read Hughes Chapter 10

Leading and Being Part of a Team

What skills are necessary to lead teams?

How can I be a better team member?

Discuss experiences from the challenge course. Link theories in text to challenge course experiences

March 30

Spring Break

Can I recharge my batteries in one week?

Tanning, Reflecting, Restoring

April 6


Read Hughes Chapter 11 Kaltman group read “The Genius of Robert E. Lee”

Leading in Tough Places: Characteristics of Leaders in Difficult Situations

Do events create dynamic leaders?
Kaltman Group presents: “ Genius of Robert E. Lee.”

April 13


Wills Group read “Lincoln at Gettysburg.”

Leading in Tough Places: Characteristics of Situations

How do events separate leaders from managers, administrators and followers?
Wills Group presents: Lincoln at Gettysburg.”

April 20


Read Hughes Chapter 12

Heifetz Group read : “Leadership Without Easy Answers.”

Right people, Right Place, Right Time

How do effective leaders find the right people for the right jobs?

How do effective leaders know make appropriate decisions?
Heifetz Group presents : “Leadership Without Easy Answers.”

April 27


Read Hughes Chapter 6 Greenleaf group read: “Servant Leader

Values, Ethics and Morality

Can a leader develop a new moral compass?
Greenleaf group presents: “Servant Leader.”

May 4


De Pree group read: “Leading Without Power”

Values, Ethics and Morality

How does the leader know their actions are ethical?
De Pree group presents: “Leading Without Power

May 11


Read Hughes Chapter 13

Bennis Group read: “The Future of Leadership”Trompenaars Group read: 21 Leaders for the 21st Century”

Leader as Visionary

Do leaders need to be charismatic to effectuate change?

Bennis Group presents: “The Future of Leadership” Trompenaars Group presents: 21 Leaders for the 21st Century”


May 18


Wear Outdoor Clothing

Continued Journey Toward Self Knowledge

Will I challenge myself?

Can I operate in unfamiliar high risk environments?

How do I support team members in high stress environments?
High ropes course. Find individual comfort zone and move out of it.
May 26





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